December 16, 2010

Now YOU know my ABC's

                                                            abc letters |
A is for Antenna, my mommy antenna. i swear we grow them when we become moms. It tunes us into our kids {and even our husbands}and helps us to keep them safe and connect with them! 
B is for Brock. Without him I am lost, he is my sweet tender loving boy, my cuddler! My first experience of becoming a mother,he has taught me so much and he is so precious to me! He is growing so fast and will drive all the girls crazy with his adorable face, beautiful eyes and big heart! 
is for Chaos. I feel like i am always running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  Controlled chaos is my goal for the new year. I understand that with boys there will always be some chaos.
D is for Domestic Engineer (aka at home mom) Which my teenage self never thought I would become but my grown up self is learning to love.
E is for Excitable! I am so easily excited! Simple things. And i hope i can always have this! Because its always the simple things in life that bring pure joy!
F is easily for Family. My family is who I am and what I do. It is my past, future, and forever.
G is for Girl. I was always the tom boy as a child and now with a husband and  2 sons, I have never felt more like a girly girl in all my life. and i love it!
H is for Home. i love creating and making things for my home.  i love to make it a happy place full of my creativity and my childrens happy memories.
is for Irresistible sugar! Anyone that knows me knows that i love sweets! But being  hypoglycemic i've found that it's become my devil on the shoulder. I'm learning that the strength lies in moderation and protein.
J is for Jaxon. My amazingly strong fighter! His first few months of life were scary but our love and his strength pushed him through.Now today at 2 1/2 he is crazy smart and wants to learn about everything. He is crazy hilarious and i couldn't imagine my life without him!
K is for Kids in which I have 2. Two boys to teach me the real meaning of crazy mom patience and love.They are my world!
L is for Laptop. My right hand, my companion, the tool of my trade. Things its most used for: Editing, blogging, and looking up clever ideas to use with my kids and home.
M is for Mom. I never would be able to be the mother and woman that i am today if it wasn't for my own awesomely awesome mother. She is my best friend!
N is for Neighbors. We miss our old neighbors so much but are learning that our new ones are just as great!! Brock and Jaxon have the cutest friends here!
O is for Optimism. I can always look at the brighter side of things.The glass is always half full.
P is for Photography, my passion. I've finally found my outlet. my way to express my creativity. It's such an amazing feeling to look through my lens and create art.
Q is for quiet... the word that never happens at our house. so when i find it, i hold on to it for as long as possible.
R is for Ryan. the man, the provider, the stability! He keeps me grounded and real. He makes me want to be a better person, to try harder and to do more! And especially for those who know him you know he's one of the hardest workers ever!! 
S is for Surprises. I don't like surprises, i think its mostly my controlling inner-self. They give me anxiety. But to plan surprises is the best! i love surprising others!
T is for Twenty  Eight. I have joined the group of the late twenties. So I'm raising a toast, may the last couple  years of my twenties be made great!
U is for Utah. The state where I live.It is beautiful and i couldn't live without the 4 seasons. I {stubbornly} still claim idaho as a huge part of me though. 
V is for Vacation. My favorite vacation so far was my honeymoon in Mexico!! Cabo is beautiful and it visits my dreams frequently. 

W is for Women I admire.  My mom for always being there for support, and for always helping me to see things though others eyes.  And my friend Nicole  who truly loves being a mother and is one of the best ones Ive ever seen.
X is for X-mas. {CHRISTmas} My favorite holiday. My favorite memories as a child were helping my mom decorate the tree, and finding everyone that perfect gift and OF COURSE getting the perfect gifts! I love the spirit of christmas!
Y is for Yellow. One of my favorite colors next to Teal. Sunsets, sunflowers and bananas. Whats not to love.
Z is for Zest. My passion for life. May it never grow dim or be found lost.

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