don't worry, i'm not about to hit THAT ball, i just hit. I do know which ball i'm suppose to hit.
We had such a blast hangin out with our most awesome neighbors last night!! {the fave neighbs}The Murdocks are crazy fun! Sammy is a doll.They came over after dinner and we made a campfire in our backyard and roasted marshmellows!! When our 5 bars of chocolate were gone, we moved inside to play pool.
This looks like a really intense game, ry was really into it! He was so excited to finally have someone to play pool with! i'm so horrible at it that its not even a game to him!
Don't even ask me whats going on with my crazy hair here. In my defense the wind was blowing! plus i'm pretty sure i'm talking. i hate pictures of myself, thats why i'm always the one with the camera.
Shayne is so hillarious, i'm sure he was telling some sort of story here while he's trying to eat his smore. Its so funny to watch ryan and shayne talk because they talk their own special lingo. sports lingo. all they talk about it football, nascar, work and who knows what else, after some point me and meg just stop listening.
Hey Lacey, what's up? So my sister had me go look at Chad's blog to see his pictures of the grand canyon, and I saw your name on his blog. It was fun reading about you and your family. It sounds like you guys are doing great.
Here is my email:
Drop me a line sometime and my wife (Maria) can send you an invite to our blog if you are interested in viewing. - Jordan Moser
I love the picture of you and your boys in front of the train! So CUTE!
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