I've been tagged...Quirks!
Here are the rules: list 6 quirks about yourself. Tag 6 more people, tell who tagged you!! Jessie Golightly tagged me! So, here are my quirks...
1) I hate it when my food touches! i can't even stand it if the juices mix!! It makes me gag! I'd rather starve than eat it. Like the gravy mixing with anything other than the potatos, i can't handle it. I know it makes me such a waster but i just can't do it. I love those elementary school lunch trays that separate everything, i use them more for myself than my 3 year old!
2)I don't like folding laundry, or ironing it. Well, the ironing thing is just a matter of skill. It's hard. Every time i iron something it ends up looking worse than it did when i started. Folding laundry takes me so long to do because i fold it like department stores. When ryan folds he just kinda rolls things into neat little balls, that drives me nuts!! But at least he tries to help me.
3) My towels have to be folded a certain way. And placed facing a certain way in the closet. If Ryan has helped me fold the laundry i have to go behind him and refold the towels. I know thats anal but i just can't help it. When we lived with my parents i use to pull all of their towels out of the closet and refold them. My mom finally started to just leave the clean towels in the laundry basket and wait for me to fold them.
4) Candy! (sugar) i am always eating candy! Growing up I use to sneak into the pantry and eat spoonfuls of powdered sugar! My mom couldn't figure out why i was always bouncing off the walls, or why her powdered sugar was always gone. When i was pregnant and so sick, candy was the only thing that made me feel better. With brock i think he was grown with skittles. After i eat a meal i have to have something sweet or i can't digest. As soon as i taste something sweet it makes me feel so much better!
5) I'm easily excited! I'm like a little kid! If i'm doing something fun the next day i won't be able to sleep the night before. ya know kinda like christmas eve when you were like 5. I swear i don't have ADD, but if you get me excited about something, look out! It doesn't even have to be anything too great either. Like when i get a new toe nail polish or if i take a good pic of the boys, even when random little kids do good at muttin bustin! ( Don't laugh jess and kod) Little things make me so excited!!
6) Last, i love to fill out paperwork. Weird, i know. I love to do insurance forms, questionaires,even writing the address on envelopes when we pay our bills, and i love to do Ryan's employees W2's. I get so excited everytime tax season comes around. I should have some sort of job doing this, i should get paid for this weird quirk shouldn't I?
I tagg... Heidi, Jayna, Tina, Becky, Missy and Steph.